Annual Report of Materials Science Laboratory (2011) at Institute of Nuclear Sciences „Vinča” and University of Belgrade
Research topics: Metallic materials, Energy, Biomaterials, Carbon materials, Enviromental protection, Advanced ceramics, Raw materials and heritage, Functional ceramics, Ceramic composites and Doctoral dissertations
Conference Title: 5th Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials
Date and Places: June 11-13, Belgrade, Serbia
More info →Annual Report of Materials Science Laboratory (2012-2013) at Institute of Nuclear Sciences „Vinča” and University of Belgrade
Research topics: Biomaterials, Metallic materials, Enviromental protection, Energy, Carbon materials, Ceramic composites, Functional ceramics, Raw materials and heritage, Advanced ceramics,
Theory and simulation of ceramics and Doctoral dissertations
Influence of Ho doping on structural and magnetic behaviour of multiferroic BiFeO3
Conference Title: 5th Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials
Date and Places: June 11-13, Belgrade, Serbia
More info →Effect of composition on structural properties of amorphous In-X-O: X=Zn, Ga, Sn, Sc, Y, La, or Ge
Conference Title: Nanostructured Zinc Oxide and related materials
Date and Places: June 23. 2014. to June 27. 2014. Bremen Center for Compuational Materials Science
Energy landscapes of ZnO on atomic scale
Conference Title: Energy Landscapes 2019
Date and Places: August 26-30, Belgrade, Serbia
More info →Bi-symplectic NQ-algebras of weight 1
Conference Title: International Congress of Mathematicians 2014
Date and Places: Seoul, 16. August 2014.
DFT Study of a Relaxed Amino Acid, Glutamine, on TiO 2 Surfaces
Conference Title: HPC Europa - Barcelona
More info →Annual Report of Materials Science Laboratory (2014)
Research topics: Advanced ceramics, Biomaterials, Carbon materials, Ceramic composites, Energy, Enviromental protection, Functional ceramics, Metallic materials, Raw materials and heritage, Theory and simulation of ceramisc, Doctoral dissertations
More info →Materials Under Extreme Conditions Series Journal of Innovative Materials in Extreme Conditions Volumes 1 & 2
Journal of Innovative Materials in Extreme Conditions publishes the results of original research and reviews related to experimental and computational investigations of materials obtained or operated under extreme conditions. The emphasis is on the innovative materials processed and/or exploited at high pressures, under high magnetic and electric fields, over a wide range of temperatures, radiation conditions, corrosive environments, under extreme mechanical loads, and non-equilibrium thermodynamic conditions. Due to the limitations of experimental methods under extreme conditions, a theoretical approach is also encouraged, independently, or as a complement to experimental research. Contributions include, but are not limited to, a variety of topics such as: Physics and chemistry of hydrogen and other light elements under extreme conditions, Materials in high magnetic and electric fields, Materials response under radiation, Intense laser irradiation, Plasma processing, Materials for hostile chemical and corrosive environments, Structural components exposed to extreme loadings, Materials under shock waves, Biomedical engineering materials, Materials for vacuum technique.
The scope of the journal includes:
– obtainment of new or enhanced insights into the material behavior, properties, and phenomena,
– prediction of structure-property relationships for new-age materials.
Contributions are accepted in the form of critical reviews, original research articles, and scientific communications.