Annual Report of Materials Science Laboratory (2009-2010) at Institute of Nuclear Sciences „Vinča” and University of Belgrade

Annual Report of Materials Science Laboratory (2009-2010) at Institute of Nuclear Sciences „Vinča” and University of Belgrade

Research topics: Metallic materials, Energy, Enviromental protection, Advanced ceramics, Functional ceramics, Biomaterials, Carbon materials, Ceramic composites, Raw materials and heritage and Doctoral dissertations

About the Book

ISSN: 2335-0679

dr. Vesna Maksimovic (1), prof. dr. Branko Matovic (1) 

1. Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča, Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia

About the Author
Matović Branko

Prof Dr. Branko Matovic
Head of Department of Materials Science
Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences
P.O. Box 522,
11001 Belgrade,Serbia

Year 1988 Dipl. ing. Mineralogy and Crystallography, Belgrade University
Year 1998 M. Sc. degree Mineralogy and Crystalography, Belgrade University
Year 2003 Ph.D. Max-Plank Institute and Stuttgart University
Year 2005 Queens University, Canada


Year 1988-1991 Faculty for Mineralogy, Belgrade University
Year 1991-1999 Institute for Refractories, Magnohrom Kraljevo,
Year 1999-2000 Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinca"
Year 2000-2003 Max-Plank Institute Stuttgart, Germany
Year 2005-2005 Center of Advanced Materials, Queens University, Canada
Year 2005-2010 Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinca"
Year 2010-2011 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Year 2011 present Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinca"

Dr Matovic took part in involving modern techniques and methods in production of ceramic materials. He achieved relevant results in the several areas such as:
a) Synthesis of nonoxidised ceramic powders
b) Synthesis of nanoparticle oxidized powders
c) Sintering of Si3N4 and SiC in presence of low-temperature liquid phase
d) Studying of the structure of nonstechiometrical solid solutions appreciable for ceramic components of fuel cells
e) New ceramics based on biomimetic approach

Non-oxide ceramics, SOFC, mechanochemistry, densification, phase transformations and crystal growth during temperature-pressure treatments and material characterization.

2006 - present : President of Ceramic Devision of Chemical Serbian Society
2002 - present : European Ceramic Society
1988 - present : Serbian Minearlogy assiciation
1994 - present : Serbian Crystalography society
1989 - present : Yugoslav Materials research Society